Culture of Peace - Program

The program "Training communicators as purposeful citizens for a Culture of Peace" was made up of 4 virtual modules focused on the audiovisual theme and the Culture of Peace , as well as a face -to- face meeting in Bogotá-Colombia, at the Media Lab facilities of the Faculty of Communication of the Javeriana University (module 5) .A sixth stage will be added to these, which will consist of the replication of what has been learned by the participants, in their respective countries. Next, a description of each of the phases :

Virtual program summary

Module 1: Metaphor of forgetfulness (Virtual)

The first virtual meeting was held on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.-Quito, with the collaboration of professors from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, Prof. Germán Ortegón, Prof. Jacqueline Alarcón, Prof. Carlos Cortés, Director of the Social Communication Career, and with the participation of 13 audiovisual producers delegates of the Associates. Representing SIGNIS ALC were Sonia Navas, executive secretary, and José Mármol, communicator.

With great reception, the participants worked on topics such as Poetics of the Forsaken, The Little Prince and the danger of a single story, after which they argued and analyzed the above. The task of this module consisted of describing a typical fruit using all the senses.

Virtual class video


The danger of a single story

The little Prince

Poetics of the forgetful

Module 2: Is a culture of peace possible? (virtual)

The second virtual meeting, held on Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.-Quito, aimed to encourage the use of different points of view, in addition to research and different senses. Also promote that each communicator fall in love with their history from an economic, social and cultural perspective.

On this occasion, also, after observing the video “Perspective in Colombia of the culture of peace”, each participant gave their opinion on the Colombian situation and their path towards the peace treaty.

Likewise, communicators were motivated to work in favor of cultural diversity, the reduction of poverty, moral ethics, inclusion and the fight against marginality, challenges that prevail in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Virtual class video

Perspective in Colombia of the culture of peace

Character construction

Is a culture of peace possible?

Peace education

Module 3: The Multi-story in peacebuilding (virtual)

The third virtual meeting was held on Wednesday, August 28, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. Quito. The objective of this meeting was for the participants to learn how to “build a story from our stories”, relying on the 7 fine arts (literature, music, painting, cinema, architecture, theater and dance), in addition to the 5 senses ( sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell).

Our communicators promised to be bearers of the Good News and to rekindle the fire in the Church and in the people, transmitting a culture of sustained peace on justice and value.

Virtual class video

Audiovisual language

What is a chronicle?

Task 3: construction of the audiovisual profile of the character

Module 4: Babel (virtual)

The fourth virtual meeting was held on Wednesday, September 25, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. Quito. The objective was to define how to achieve an effective culture of peace in defense of freedom of expression and cultural diversity, with a predominance of dialogue, and without giving in to fanaticism and rejection.

Likewise, the communicators presented the stories of the characters on which they based their audiovisual products, focusing on their physical features and their feelings, in such a way that the naraction is accompanied by literary aspects and images.

Virtual class video

General history planning

Module 5: Face-to-face meeting in Bogotá-Colombia

From October 23 to 26, the face-to-face meeting of the program took place at the Media Lab of the Faculty of Communication of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Throughout the four days of work, teachers with training and experience in building communication for a Culture of Peace gave several talks and conversations focused on that topic and audiovisual production.

Some of the topics that were addressed were “Contributions of REDIPAZ and RADIPAZ to the culture of Latin America” (Carlos Cortés); "Truth Commission (Ana Cristina Navarro and Santiago Velásquez)"; "Education and Good Living" (Carlos Ferraro); "Reflections on screenwriting" (Édgar Rubio); "Discursive mapping of reconciliation in Colombia" (Paula Ospina); and "Conflict resolution" (Germán Rey and José Manuel Salamanca). Likewise, the participants attended practical workshops on editing, voice over and script writing.

To close the meeting, on October 25, the participants presented a preview of the audiovisual products they have been working on. Later, on October 26, they visited the District Cinematheque and attended a thanksgiving mass.

Summary face-to-face program

Video: REDIPAZ and RADIPAZ contributions to the culture of Latin America ” (Carlos Cortés)

Video : Truth Commission (Ana Cristina Navarro)

Video : Education and Good Living (Carlos Ferraro).

Video : Reflections on screenwriting (Édgar Rubio)

Video : Discursive mapping of reconciliation in Colombia (Paula Ospina)

Video : Conversation "Conflict resolution" (Germán Rey and José Manuel Salamanca)

News: SIGNIS ALC and Universidad Javeriana start a meeting of communicators for peace

News: Communicators will present audiovisual products in favor of the Culture of Peace

News: Audiovisual producers are trained in peace building, narratives, Educommunication and Good Living