SIGNIS ALC radio project will make visible the needs of the communities

Last Friday, July 3, Carlos Ferraro , President of SIGNIS ALC , the Latin American and Caribbean Catholic Association of Communication, participated in the second meeting of the cycle of virtual talks “ SIGNIS Live With You ”, by SIGNIS Services Rome (SSR).
On this occasion, the online dialogue - moderated by the SSR communicator, María Victoria La Terza - focused on the initiative " Listen to the voices of Latin America through a community web radio ", a project that SIGNIS ALC plans to carry out in the course of the next few months.
The proposal was one of the 18 winning projects of the SSR “ Call 4 Projects ” call, the results of which were announced in July 2019.
The main manager of SIGNIS ALC explained that “Community web radio” was born from the need to reinforce radio work by the organization, as well as to encourage networking by national associates articulated in SIGNIS ALC.
Similarly, the objective is to make visible the problems and needs of the region's communities , frequently plagued by social, political and environmental conflicts, with the idea of contributing with proposals and solutions.
Spreading what the traditional media do not show and creating spaces for greater participation by women are other purposes, according to the president of SIGNIS ALC.
The contents will be based on the three main lines of work that have marked the work of the organization in recent years: educommunication, Good Living and youth participation.
Likewise, the collective construction of the project - in which 10 national partners of SIGNIS in Latin America and the Caribbean participate - will ensure the representation of the cultural diversity of the region , within the programming.
SIGNIS Argentina, SIGNIS Brazil, SIGNIS Colombia, SIGNIS Cuba, SIGNIS Ecuador, SIGNIS Mexico, SIGNIS Paraguay, SIGNIS Peru, SIGNIS Dominican Republic and SIGNIS Venezuela are the entities that will be part of the initiative.
Ferraro explained that, prior to the start of the broadcasts, the 100 participants of the project - ten per country - will receive training in radio language, sustainability and team management, considering that each country will work with its own radio kit. This process will have the support of the Latin American Association for Radio Education (ALER ).
Likewise, the training will contemplate the reinforcement of the critical sense and the promotion of communication of incidence and social transformation.
Note published by SIGNIS ALC
Watch the full talk here.