Filmmakers Signis Who's who? / Samuel Shiguango

Samuel Shiguango
Radio Puyo video production assistant and SIGNIS COMMLab ALC 2018 participant.
BiographyMember of the Kichwa indigenous nationality of the Amazon. He has worked in the field of community communication in the organizations Kichwa Rukullakta, Confeniae (Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon), Conaie (Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador) and Corape. Also as a radio announcer and TV presenter in Spanish and Kichwa languages. He has certifications in leadership, defense of human and nature rights, and community communication. He has participated in various forums on indigenous and peasant peoples and nationalities in countries such as Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Panama, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Archidona youth cantonal coordinator between 2017 - 2019. He also speaks the Shuar language.
Direct contact with the director.